Whether you handle the recruitment on your own or hire us for the entire process, we guarantee that we will match jobs to candidates in our extensive network in engineering, tech and IT.
Job matching in our network
Thanks to our proprietary recruitment tool, Masterhelp, we have built a large network in engineering, tech and IT. This gives us a unique opportunity to reach quality candidates with in-demand skills through a job match tailored to your needs. For example, the job matching tool allows us to filter by the industries candidates are interested in, their experience and the type of job they might be suitable for.
Active and passive candidates
Job matching allows you to reach active and passive candidates in a highly efficient way. Passive candidates are candidates who are not actively looking for a new job, but are open to switching if the right opportunity arises at the right time. Because job matching allows us to send our adverts directly to the target group’s inboxes, it increases the chances that the right candidates will apply for the role before it’s too late.
All the information in one place
When we use job matching, the full advert is sent to the candidate’s inbox. Receiving the full advert, and not just an extract, means they have all the information and contact details available without having to leave their inbox. This allows candidates to easily find the answers to the questions they need answering before applying for the position, which simply requires clicking on a link in the email.